Dare To Be Great: Mike McCarthy’s Challenge In 2011

So with the 2011 season upon us (I think), the Packers are about to embark on the defense of their thrown. They have gone from the hunters to the hunted which means the coaching staff has thrown the underdog card to the bottom of the deck.

No Workouts? No Problem For The Packers

Most NFL teams have held some kind of group workouts involving a good chunk of the squad. Yet the world champions have yet to do so with training camp possibly about a month away (assuming the lockout ends relatively soon).

What a New CBA Could Mean for the Green Bay Packers

There has been a wave of cautious optimism about the CBA negotiation over the last few weeks. Oowners met as a group last week to get everyone on the same page as to how the negotiations were going and followed that up with another round of talks with the players. While both sides are under a court-mandated blackout, reports have trickled out that there wasn’t much resistance from ownership and while the players don’t love the new deal, they will live with it.